Presentation/moderation guidelines

General guidelines for presentation and moderation

Presentations must be in English only and should not exceed 15 minutes.

All rooms are equipped with projectors for slides and multimedia presentations. If you wish to use it, please make sure you have the downloaded file on a USB stick before your session starts, ready to hand it over to the monitor/ session moderator.

This is very important, since the computers provided by the university do not access the internet

Please proceed according to the following model:

Questions at the end of the presentations
Presentation 1: 10-15 minutes
Presentation 2: 10-15 minutes
Presentation 3: 10-15 minutes
Final debate with questions for all presenters: 15 minutes
Table closes after 1 hour


– Make sure that the session starts on time;
– Announce the name, institution and title of the presentation of all participants at the beginning of the session;
– Control the time of presentations and inform the colleagues when their time is finishing (we will offer time signs);
– Organize questions during the debate;
– Make sure the session does not exceed 1 hour.

Other frequent asked questions:

– Is there any possibility of presenting slides?
> Yes! We will give you more information about sending your material via e-mail one day before presentation. Until there, just focus on your talk!

– Do I have to use a standardized template in my presentation?
> No, there are no standardized templates for slides. Feel free and be creative!

– Is there any kind of remote participation modality?
> Nope! The presentations and discussions will follow the nowadays dreamy model of face-to-face conversations, with the presence of bodies, smells, and materiality. Enjoy without any moderation!

In case of technical problems, who will help us?
> Technical problems will always happen. That is why we have a well-trained team of monitors ready to help in any eventuality. Just call them if you have any problem!